Sapphire Lyre Rolando BENEDICK Fondation Antonella et Bernard DROUX (under the aegis of Philanthropia) Pilar and Enrique GREBLER F.J.
Golden Lyre Michel ABOU KHALIL Per and Bente BERG-ANDERSEN Vincent BERNASCONI Rémy BERSIER and Alice RINDERKNECHT Cedric and Véronique BONVIN Janet and Robert BRINER Sylvia CHARVILLAT Paulette DE SCHALLER Isabelle DE SÉGUR and Cesar ARTHOU Guy et Michèle GRYNBERG Guarda Golf Hotel & Residences Anne HIRSCH Michael JUNKER and Susan VON HEILL Bernard and Marie-Hélène SILBERSTEIN TLOS Finance SA Guy THODOROFF and André PELLOIS M.P. A.M.R. G.B.
Silver Lyre Eric and Danielle ADJOUBEL Nazha ASCHENBRENNER Eric BALLARD Laure BROLLIET and Patrick SCHWARZ Gültin EPHRATI Karen GUZMAN Marc and Cinthia LEVIVIER-LEVY Pierre and Christine MAGISTRETTI Jean-Jacques and Hélène MIAUTON Henry MORGAN Hans-Rudolf and Doris MÜHLEMANN L’OISEAU BLEU Olivier and Christine ORTH Jacqueline PEIER and Bernard HANIER Pierre PERRENOUD Alain and Véronique SOULIER Jean-Claude and Gisèle SPERISEN Eliane SPRUNG Charles TURRETTINI Thierry VERNES and Alexandre LERICHE S.B. M.D.P. M.V. J.J.Z.
Bronze Lyre Traute ADAM Paul-Michel BAGNOUD Alfred and Monika BERGER Anne BERNARDEAU Gauthier CHIARINI Juliane COSANDIER Christine DAYET Valery and Pascal DETEMMERMAN Valérie and Alain DUBOIS Marcel and Zélie DUC Yves and Corinne DUC Nicolas and Karin DUCREY Samuel EMERY Valérie FAVRE Marie-Pascale FAVRE ZONA Sophie FLORINETTI-VALTICOS Jacques and Agnès GUYOT Suzanne and Henry HIRSCHBERG Roland HOHL Michel and Astrid LEDIN Eugenia LUCA Marianne MARET Gabrielle MEYER Véronique NANCHEN Francine and Jacques PERRIN Coralie PERROTTET Jacques and Dorothée PYTHON Audrey FOURNIER and Jean-Yves REY Yvan RION Sylvie and Michel SILBER-VIELLET Claude and Hélène TRINK Charlotte and Eberhard WEDEKIND André and Evelyne WEITH R.M.S.